Fueling innovation
for bank and its clients

Investment fund of Česká spořitelna

Česká spořitelna celebrates 200 years. And we celebrate with her.
Follow the activities related to this unique anniversary
and let's celebrate together!

Investment strategy

Since 2020 we have been investing in technologies that help banking thrive or bring innovation to our clients. We pave the way for the best startups to collaborate with Česká spořitelna and other members of the Erste Group.

Pre-seed & Seed
investment rounds

Ticket size
200k – 1,000k EUR


CLA or Equity

Investment horizon
4-7 years

Startups active
in CEE

Potential to scale into
Česká spořitelna

with VC partners

Are we the perfect match?

Are you a progressive startup with a well-established team of experts that has a clear strategy, values and goals? Do you have a product or solution that innovates the banking industry or is valuable for its clients? Are you preparing for an investment round?


Since 2020 we have been investing in technologies that help banking thrive or bring innovation to our clients. We pave the way for the best startups to collaborate with Česká spořitelna and other members of the Erste Group.

“We see the investment not only as a tool to support new business ideas and the entire innovation ecosystem, but mainly as an incentive for technological development and sustainable entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic.“

Tomáš Milota, CEO 


Tomáš Milota

Beáta Vörösová

Jana Dusheke

Petr Kopeček

Roman Kalousek

Aneta Kuchařová

Lucie Golosowská


ČS Seed Starter, a.s.

IČ: 61058769
DIČ: CZ 61058769

Olbrachtova 1929/62
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika